I’m calling BS

“This is absolute BS!”

I have said that phrase out loud. I’ve said it to myself. I’ve said it to other people, I’ve said to my clients, I’ve even said it to my children. But this BS is not what you’re thinking…

After teaching, studying and learning for more than 30 years, here’s what I know. Every single one of us has this story about BS that is getting in the way of creating whatever you want. It gets in the way of creating the body you want, creating the career you want, creating the wealth and the business you want, and creating more fun and joy in your life.

So what IS this BS….if it’s not what you’re thinking it is!? B.S. = Belief Systems.

It’s your belief systems that keep you stuck and get in the way of allowing you to create the life and the business you want! There’s great news. There’s no question that our belief systems impact the physical results both we and our clients create in life. Our beliefs about our body; is it too young or too old? What can we do to lose weight, gain muscle, be flexible, and feel good?

Our belief systems about our personal relationships with spouses, children, best friends, clients, and customers.

Our belief systems about money, about what we can earn or charge, what we’re worth, or how much we can grow our business.

Our belief systems run the show

Those belief systems impact our lives WAY MORE significantly than any outside factors; like the economy, your clients, your spouse or partner, your children, your neighbours or the president or prime minister! Trust me, your belief systems are way more important than these external things. Your belief systems also impact how you feel; they impact your emotions.

Are you actually enjoying the experience of being on the journey to where you want to go? You know, most high achievers I meet are rarely experiencing joy, gratitude, and happiness on a consistent basis. They’re generally feeling stressed and overwhelmed and challenged in some way shape or form.

You can change your BS!

The best part about our BS? It’s the easiest thing to change! You can get rid of your old BS about what you’re worth or what you can charge clients. Your BS about what your body can do at 25, or 45 or 65! Your BS about a relationship that you think just can’t be rebuilt. Yep! There’s no BS you can’t change! And changing your BS will change your life.

If you’ve read any of the basic books out there around growth & personal development world, you’d know they all say that 80% of Success is Mindset. And only 20% is mechanics! What that means is 80% of success comes down to our BS….our belief system. I’m a Coach and I’m all about getting results and I want to put this coaching challenge to you today.

Ask yourself: what BS do you have right now that needs to be changed? Write out or type out your current BS and what it needs to be instead. This is the starting point to put yourself back in control; recognising that BS that needs to change so then you can begin to work on changing it.

Check out our Courses & Certifications at MFI, as they will all challenge your BS and help take you & your clients to the next level!